Saturday, November 12, 2016

Ode to Commander Rabb (JAG)

First and foremost I shall admit that all 10 seasons I was sweetly adoring David James Eliott physically, as shallow as some may think, but he's a true masterpiece of the nature and I see noting wrong with admiring that! =)) Take those curvy ears or forehead... Not to mention the purring voice (hell, in the finale he even show some sort of kneading instinct LOL). Even though I realize it's purely biological, but joy is a chemical reaction, so thanks for a ton of it!

Now, onto the character - it's an interesting mix of adrenaline maniac loner and a hearty friend. I still wonder how realistic is this but  inclined to think that it is because the only real life hero I knew was sort of like that, only much less settled in life. That one was a nearly unrealistic "perfect balance" between the two types that different parts of women's brain covet - the provider and the predator.

There is only one thing that is counter-intuitive in this mix. Adrenaline maniacs are never that laid back in life, but well... that's fiction for the very purpose of showing us the best, the rarest and the unique, thus entertaining us.

The most topical part for me was Commander Rabb's relationship with his colleague Mac for 9 seasons (well, that arc didn't start until a fiancée appeared but, judging by his subsequent behaviour, it plausible he didn't show his feelings for 2 years anyhow).

I must admit it irritated me immensely. Perhaps because they reminded me of myself too much - afraid to show their feelings, too shy when they decided to show them, too cold when pushing the other one off. (Only I didn't have 9 years to play this game and kind writers to finally push us finally together in the end). Mac more so.

It was a constant reminder of how stupid I was and every chance they got I understood how they should grab each other and hold tight but they fell apart again (all right, I know this is needed to keep us, viewers wondering but that game is often seen in life too). And every time it happened I was understanding also deeper and deeper that no obstacle that I saw in my life was real but just an excuse, right like here. Although I'm still not sure why I insisted on seeing them. I hope it's a nice sign that now seeing someone acting like this I know exactly what they should do differently at a precise moment to grow closer instead of further. Time is something that never comes back, you know.